Our activities are primarily run by enthusiastic and committed volunteers with unique ideas.

As a volunteer, you can take part in a sustainable farming training, educational activities, construction work, permaculture methods practice, activities with children and youth, women empowerment, vocational training, community development seminars, fundraising, online promotion etc. We welcome students or professionals in the area of sustainable agriculture, hydro-engineering, education, ecological construction, fishery, hand-made crafts (tailoring, embroidery, pottery, carpentry etc.) and any other subject of your interest. 

We provide our volunteers with basic accommodation in Kibomet, Kitale, quiet area about 10 kilometers from Bwayi. Volunteers are expected to contribute 2 US$/day for food and accommodation.  Volunteers stay in private rooms supplied with electricity and running water. They can also enjoy homemade food and welcoming family. 

Let us know if you have any questions!


I went to Kenya in January and February in 2020 and spent six weeks as a volunteer at Niaver Community based Organization. 

I stayed with Isaac, his sister Marcy and her little two year old daughter Joy in Isaac’s house near Kitale. I experienced the common Kenyan life without any luxury. Isaac’s family is unbelievably nice and welcoming! They have a big heart and took me as a member of family. Especially, I am still amazed about the selflessness of Isaac, who devotes all his money, knowledge and time to help the community of Bwayi. 

Visiting Bwayi means to see the poverty and helplessness of people living in rural areas of Kenya. But even they live such a difficult life, they are still welcoming, friendly and very much thankful for the work of Niaver. Niaver is trying to help them to improve their situation sustainably, in particular with knowledge and education. There are several workshops going on about family planning, sustainable agriculture, microcredit, HIV and about fighting misbelieves blocking development. Moreover Niaver is trying to raise funds to enable children to attend school, for medical treatment and much more. When I was in Bwayi we were able to raise money to buy land and build a Community Center, a borehole, a brick factory and did some bigger scale farming. I accompanied Niaver to every kind of work and I could always share my thoughts and participate actively. Isaac’s devotion for the project with Niaver is the reason why I chose such a small organization. You can see how the donations are used directly without any detour as well as the changes projects of Niaver have already brought about. I was looking for a small organization because I really wanted to make a change and have a sustainable impact. Niaver really exceeded my expectations! 

The time with Isaac, his family, Niaver and the community of Bwayi, was a great experience which I will never forget and which will still affect my life in the future. It’s very important to see that kind of life and to see what’s really important in life. 


I came to NIAVER as a volunteer through the platform workaway.org. Since the first day in the village of Bwayi I was amazed how beautiful, friendly and welcoming the environment is despite many problematic issues that are on daily basis there. I was surprised that there are no NGOs working in the area and apparently no support coming from governmental institutions.  Despite  difficulties,  NIAVER collective led by Isaac is visibly efficient and effective in their strive to act totally from grass roots. I could quickly see – all time, compassion, money and energy that Isaac has, he just devotes into work with Bwayi community. Driven by his sincere hope to improve the lives of children and women, day by day he comes and helps a little by little. His sister Marcy has been on maternity leave that time I was around but together they do really amazing job.   After five weeks of cooperating with them I can honestly say they are by all means one of the most trustful, knowledgeable and fair people I know. I enjoyed working with them as our work covered many activities and topics I was interested in- training in sustainable farming, working with vulnerable children, supporting widows, women empowerment,  interacting with youth, construction work etc. I also helped the organization with publicity, fundraising and website development. I am happy I could stay with Isaac´s beautiful family, they accepted me as a member of family and I enjoyed this honor with pleasure. Through volunteering for NIAVER I could learn a lot from people in Bhwayi (even some songs in Kiswahili!). If you come to volunteer, you will definitely find a way how to make your stay meaningful. You might feel that there are too many projects going on but it’s probably simply impossible to ignore one thing for another as the issues are too complex and interconnected. Come and see for yourself! . It’s very important to see that kind of life and to see what’s really important in life. 


I volunteered for the organization in 2019. I could teach how to treat jiggers by magadi soda. Jiggers is very dangerous skin disease troubling a lot of children in the village. I fundraised for seeds stockage and for the permaculture program. As I visited many places in Kenya I could recognize this area seemed the most serious and it´s worth to help. Isaac is very nice person and I hope to come back again. 



Niaver Community Based Organization PO Box 4395 Kitale, Kenya

Call Us

+254 721 106 810 
+420 603 110 813